This volume contains a guide to help teachers and co-teachers conduct lessons that will actively engage learners in their learning process. Teachers and co-teachers help learners in the following:
Introduction to computers and Computing
- Suitability of xo laptops compared to other computers.
- External features of xo laptop.
- Opening and navigating the xo laptop.
- Keyboard and typing skills.
- Introduction to chat activity and how to use it.
- Activity-Learners brainstorm on what they know about computers.
- Teacher harmonizes the lesson and clears any misconceptions.
Life Skills
- Knowing and Living with yourself and others.
- Self-awareness,self-esteem,self-control,assertiveness, critical and creative thinking,decision making,problem solving,copying with emotions and stress.
- Activity-Chat activity and students write down their personal ideas and questions using the write activity.
- Introduction to HIV/AIDS.
- Short history of the HIV/AIDS epidemic.
What is HIV/AIDS?
- HIV and other diseases.
- Activity-Learners share poems/songs about HIV/AIDS.
- Teacher assesses, harmonizes and evaluates the lesson.
Transmission of HIV/AIDS
- HIV inside a cell and cells affected mostly.
- Ways of transmission of HIV.
- Ways which HIV cannot be spread.
- The immune system.
- Activity-Learners watch photos and videos of people infected with HIV.
- Signs and Symptoms of HIV infection.
Stages of HIV/AIDS
- The first stage
- The quite period
- Early HIV disease.
- Advanced HIV disease (AIDS) .
- One stage leads to the next and handle specific symptoms in each stage.
- Specific symptoms at every stage.
HIV Test
- Types of HIV Test.
- How the HIV test works.
- Meaning of HIV Test.
- When to test and when not to test.
- Assessment /Test/Activity.
HIV/AIDS Management.
- Meaning of CD4 count.
- Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAAT)
- Acupuncture and ARV.
Behaviour Change
- Understanding behavior change.
- Risky behaviors.
- Safe behaviours.
Staying with affected and infected persons
- Care for people with HIV.
- Social support.
- Caring and supporting infected persons.
HIV and Discrimination
- Misunderstandings about HIV.
- Cultural and Religious beliefs.
- Prejudice and discrimination.
- Casual contact and HIV.
- HIV and indigenous people.
Effects of HIV Worldwide
- Effects on economy