Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Pre-tour of the area

After successful completion of the team participants training, it was high time we organize a tour to the place where the project will be launched. The tour was done by Team leader, John Valent and started on 24th to 26th.. The visit included meeting the local leadership, assessing the available resources for the project ,securing accommodation and learning the need of the place.

I was privileged to meet and travel with Honorable Minister for information technology Samwel Poighisio ,who is also the area member of parliament and he took me round and after that we had a meeting where we agreed to launch the project in Konyau Arid Zone Primary School.

 The school has electricity and they have solar panels for emergency purposes. The school is located on an arid zone and it has a population of 600 pupils, although many children are still at home due to their parents holding them back.

I was also able to meet the Provincial leaders led by the district commissioner and councilors. I had a talk with John, the school Head Teacher and he was very happy and welcomed me warm heartedly, he even wanted us to start the project immediately!

I was able to visit the project done by Sophia Worth in Asilong primary school and she did a commendable job. The Konyau primary school is 20 km from where Sophia worked

The parent , pupils, teachers ,leaders and the community at large are so happy to learn that we are going to connect their school just like as Asilong primary school.

The area is one of the remote places in Kenya and the need of this area is overwhelmingly ,I therefore kindly request that we work hand in hand  to make sure we donate the laptops to as many schools as we can.

If you would like to participate,online or on the ground kindly contact John-Team Leader on 254728794515

Thanks a lot and keep tuning for more!

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