Wednesday, February 16, 2011

XO Laptop Teaching Curriculum


This curriculum acts as a guide of teaching basic computer skills to learners and at the sane time making the learning process interesting. It was designed with the intention of teaching Math’s but you can edit it to suit your field of teaching.
Teachers and co-teachers
• Introduction to computers and computing.
• Types of computers.
• Characteristics of computers.
• Principle of operation of computers.
• Introduction to xo laptops and what makes them suitable for learning.
• Introduce learners to safety precautions before they use the xo laptops to avoid accidents and damage to the machine.
• How to open and close the xo laptop.
• Learners should point out the external xo features they see and identify them if possible.
• This will help the teacher to identify what leaners know and also making the lesson learners-centered and not teacher-centered.
• The teacher should clear all misconceptions concerning the identification of the external parts of the xo laptop and as such give learners the correct answers.
Teachers and co-teachers
• Powering on and off the xo laptop
• Navigation through the xo laptop and this includes use of the keyboard and mouse-pointing tricks.
• Manipulating the laptop where leaners should be able to adjust the xo screen in games mode and typing mode.
• Introduction to activities; teachers introduces leaner’s to activities and what they are
• Leaner’s who are now equipped with navigation skills should point the cursor on different activities and name them. Leaners should have their xo laptops in Home View.
• Teacher and co-teachers should take learners through the activities starting from the basic e.g. write activity and thereafter build gradually to activities relevant to what they need to teach
• Teach learners on how to use the activities and at the end of the session give them a small project/assignment to assess the impact of the training.
A typical flow of activities for Math’s teaching may be as follows;
1. Write Activity.

• Introduce leaners to basic skills of typing and keyboard use. Make use of Typing Turtle activity to increase the typing speeds of leaners.

2. Wikipedia Activity

• For researching mathematical and other information

3. Etoys Activity

• For mathematical shapes, educational games and leaner’s can also draw and design their own projects

4. Calculate Activity

• Aids in the calculation of many mathematical functions including but not limited to trigonometric functions.

5. Chat Activity

• This allows leaner’s to communicate inside the class by sharing what they have learnt, their experiences and media.
For any suggestions kindly contact E4N Team

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